
Find serial number vectorworks
Find serial number vectorworks

find serial number vectorworks

"ExecutablePath"="C:\\Program Files\\Vectorworks 2023\\Vectorworks2023.

find serial number vectorworks

Select the Sessions tab and on the right site there is a button 'Serial Numbers' Click on Serial Numbers and you should get the following dialog Click on Add and you should be able to add your new serial number, and with remove you can remove the old serial number if you want/need. Reg file (replace the string with your serial). Go to the tools menu and select vectorworks preferences. I'm currently working on a script / GPO to import the following reg key into the user's hive at login but it does mean we need to store the serial in plain-text on each device where VectorWorks is installed but as it's in the registry in plain-text too I don't see this as an issue as the key is linked to our license server. What I've noted is that it works for the user that installs the product but not for any other user.

Find serial number vectorworks