With the official release of Drift came the official closing of the original KartRider's service. Nonetheless, the game has remained relatively popular globally, and in 2019, an Updated Re-release called KartRider: Drift was announced, serving all regions worldwide as well as having cross-platform play with the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and mobile devices. Several mobile versions were also released, as KartRider Rush, KartRider Dash, and KartRider Rush+ The game was also localized for North America, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, and Russia, but all of these versions didn't last very long before being dropped. The game has a surprisingly large competitive scene, with televised tournaments broadcast in both South Korea and China (where the game was localized as PopKart). The game was released in South Korea in 2004 and ran until 2023. The studio will be releasing a new KartRider spinoff, KartRider: Drift, next month.CrazyRacing KartRider was a Mascot Racer for Windows created by Nexon, based on their previous game Crazy Arcade. Nirtro Studios lost 10.1 billion won ($7.7 million) on a net basis in 2021, up from a 2.5-billion-won net loss in 2020. Nitro Studio is a subsidiary of Nexon established 50-50 with Wonder Holdings, the largest shareholder of WeMakePrice, in August 2020.

KartRider was released in 2004 as an online racing game developed by Nexon. We apologize for the confusion we have caused due to press reports that came beforehand.” Further details, including the termination date and refund methods, will be revealed on Jan. 5 after the final round of the 2022 KartRider League Super Cup competition.

“We were initially planning to give you the news, being as grave and important as it is, through a livestream on Jan. “We have decided to shut down the KartRider service,” Cho Jae-yun, director of KartRider at the game’s developer and Nexon subsidiary Nitro Studio, wrote in a web posting. An image of KartRider, online racing game by Nexon Nexon will shut down its KartRider online PC racing game after 18 years of service, the company said in a notice Sunday.